Top 6 Best Free SEO Tools For Blogging

Seemab Tech
2 min readMar 22, 2022


Hey guys!

Today, I will tell you the top 6 best tools that are good for SEO in blogging. Also, these tools are free… So, you would use these tools easily.

1. Site liner

Site liner is a free blogging SEO tool from where we can generate many keywords about our website or a blog. First, we go to and then paste the link of your website and your blog. After some seconds, this tool gives you the very best results. It will give you all information about your website. Use of site liner is as under…

2. Pre Post SEO

The pre-Post SEO tool has many amounts of SEO tools. like domain tools, website management tools, plagiarism checkers, paraphrasing tools, backlink maker tools, etc. This tool also gives you all information about your blog … like how much % your blog ranked in google, about tags, about meta description, about keywords, etc. These videos explained all tools that are in pre-post SEO.

3. Responsive Web Design Tester

From this tool, you will know about the % of the ranking of your website. Actually, it is a free extension from where we know that our website design is responsible for google or not. It also tells us how our website looks on a tablet, mobile or in laptop pr computer. This extension is very simple and easy to use.

First, go to google. That’s the link to go to GTmetrix. It is also a paid tool but you must click on this link… because from this link, you will use free GTmetrix. This tool also tells you the grades of your website ranking. The main function of this tool is… It tells you the error which is in your website or in your article. It will show some links from where you directly reached to the error points of your article.

5. Google Page Speed Insights

Enter a URL and this tool will test the stacking time and execution for that URL on work area and versatile. It then, at that point, grades your site’s presentation on a score from 0–100. It lets you know precisely the way that quick it takes to stack the site as per various measurements, and furthermore recommends regions for improvements.

6. Ahrefs Webmaster SEO Tool

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Seemab Tech

I am a good contect writer. I read many books for knowledge so i want to share my knowledge through articals to peoples.